Summer Science Fun in the Dark

Priscilla Robinson, Educational Innovationsby:  Priscilla Robinson

Recently, on a warm summer evening, I did something special with my three-year-old grandson.  At 8 PM, little Henry was still full of energy, having had a late nap.  I decided to use that to my advantage.  We ventured outside to enjoy the setting sun with the twilight of oncoming darkness. My bag was packed with a blanket, some bottles of water, two headlamps, and a few special summer science surprises from Educational Innovations. Henry was delighted to have an outing instead of being hustled up to bed, so off we went—down the block to our local elementary schoolyard.

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Centripetally Yours

Donna Giachetti, Educational InnovationsBy:  Donna Giachetti

Around the EI offices lately, something magical has happening.  Folks are laughing more… There’s a lighter spring in their step and a happy-go-lucky chirp in their voices…  It’s as if we have all become enchanted.

Well, let me amend that…

EI employees are a very grown-up, responsible bunch.  They take pride in doing their jobs as well as humanly possible.  If you haven’t yet read Ted’s blog (EI’s Pick-and-Pack Customer Service Crew), don’t miss out!  It’s a paean to the hardest working group of individuals I have ever met.

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UV Discussion Starters

Discussion Starters - Educational Innovations NewsletterTeaching about ultraviolet light is always fun.  Read on for ideas you’ll want to try in your classroom.  We have compiled in-class activities, discussion ideas and do-it-yourself projects that will have your students GLOWING with excitement as they explore the hidden world of UV light.

Let us know how these ideas worked!  If you have a favorite lesson or activity on ultraviolet light, please share it with us in the comments below.

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EI TV – Ultraviolet (UV) Light

EI TV - Educational Innovations BlogThough invisible to the human eye, ultraviolet (UV) light has amazing properties.  Whether you’re teaching about the light spectrum, skin cancer awareness or forensic science, these video clips will grab your students’ attention and help you start a lively discussion.

If you come across a video you’d like us to add to this list, leave the URL in a comment below or write to us at

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Ultraviolet Humor

Science Humor - Educational Innovations Newsletter

While UV radiation may not be a laughing matter when it comes to skin damage, there’s nothing under the sun like a good joke to brighten your day.

Why not insert a bit of ultraviolet humor into your next quiz or homework page?  Extra points for students who guess the right punchlines to our riddles!

If you have a favorite cartoon or joke, insert it below as a comment, or email us at

Happy teaching!

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