Air Pressure Humor

Science Humor - Educational Innovations NewsletterWhy not insert a bit of air pressure humor into your next quiz or homework page?  Extra points for students who guess the right answers to our riddles!

If you have a favorite cartoon or joke, we invite you to share it as a comment below.

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Air Pressure in the News

Even folks who don’t teach science are interested in air pressure—whether or not they know it.  Isn’t that why we tune into weather reports?  Air pressure covers so many topics, it’s hard to imagine a day without air pressure in the news.

If you come upon an interesting science news article, please share it with us in the comments below.

What’s the latest?  Take a look…

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EI TV – Air Pressure!

EI TV - Educational Innovations BlogAir Pressure Videos!

It’s no wonder air pressure is one of our favorite science topics at Educational Innovations.  There are so many different aspects to explore… and no limit to the amount of “Super! Wow! Neat!®” reactions you’ll get from your students.  Whether you are teaching at the elementary school or university level, the subject of air pressure always leaves an indelible impression.

If you come across a video you’d like us to add to this list, leave us a comment below, and be sure to check out our selection of air pressure science activities!

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You Said It! Air Pressure Product Reviews

You Said It! Product Reviews - Educational Innovations Newsletter

At Educational Innovations, we love all sorts of scientific topics but we’ll admit that air pressure holds a special place in our hearts.  After all, air (and its pressure) is all around us, so why not celebrate this amazing area of science?

Teachers clearly prize our air pressure materials as much as we do—they are among some of our best loved products year after year.  Read on for candid reviews from our customers.

If you have a favorite Educational Innovations product, send us a comment below!  We’d love to share your review with your fellow teachers and science lovers.

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Why Is a Drinking Bird Like a Dog on a Hot Day?

Ted Beyer, Educational InnovationsBy:  Ted Beyer

Summertime—sun and fun!  For most of us (in the northern hemisphere at least) that means hot weather.  Heat does interesting things to the world around us, and to us as well.  On a hot day you tend to perspire.  Your body does this for a good reason:  as the moisture evaporates, it cools your skin, and thus helps to regulate your body temperature.

In contrast, dogs don’t perspire—they don’t have sweat glands!  So on a hot day you will see dogs panting—lots of rapid, shallow breaths with their tongues looking bigger than usual hanging out of their mouths.  That’s the doggie way of cooling off.  They are moving air over a wet surface—again using evaporation to lower their body temperature.
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