Formative Assessment in the Science Classroom

Linda DunnavantBy Linda Dunnavant

Science teachers have a tough job.  Not only are they expected to teach complex concepts, but they also have to teach students how to apply these complex concepts to new situations.  Science teachers can just stand in front of the class, lecture and hope that the students get it (also known as the “spray and pray” method), or they can try to meet students where they are in the learning process.

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Is Hydropower a Renewable Energy Source?

Roy Bentley, Educational InnovationsBy Roy Bentley and Ken Crawford

There are so many things happening in the world of energy these days.  One only needs to watch the news or Google the word “energy” to find myriad examples and discussions of pipelines, carbon footprints, windmills, climate change and more.

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If Science Icons Had Instagram…

Ronald Carrier headshotEDITOR’S NOTE:  At Educational Innovations, we are always looking for creative new teaching ideas to use in the science classroom.  Like you, we know how cool science is—the trick is to communicate that sense of excitement and discovery to our students.  Here is a social media-based classroom project that we thought our readers might enjoy.  Let us know what you think! 

If you have a classroom-tested idea for teaching science that you’d like to share with fellow teachers and science lovers, please leave a comment below or email us at  We’d love to hear from you. Read the rest of this entry »

Green Science Humor

Science Humor - Educational Innovations NewsletterWhy not insert a bit of green science humor into your next quiz or homework page?  Extra points for students who guess the right answers to our riddles!

You might also get a jolt from our Electricity humor page, from a previous issue of our newsletter.

If you have a favorite cartoon or joke, we invite you to share it as a comment below.

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Green Science Discussion Starters

Discussion Starters - Educational Innovations NewsletterWind power… solar power… hydropower… power from biomass… There’s so much to say about these renewable energy sources and their growing importance in our lives.  Time spent teaching young minds about green science is invaluable—we are helping them to understand and participate in their own futures as inhabitants of our planet!

Even the smallest scientists will understand that the sun and wind can be made to “do work” and produce energy.  This topic is so much fun to explore, we hope you’ll share your own favorite discussion starters with us in the comments below!

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