Whether you’re teaching elementary school or at the college level, you know that preparing for a new school year is always a roller coaster. There’s no end to your To-Do list but (hopefully) you’re also feeling revved up about returning to the classroom. For this issue of News, we’re sharing articles and websites we hope will give you a chuckle or a useful tip as you prepare to go back to school. Enjoy!
Back to School 2019 News
August 29, 2019You Said It! Back to School 2019 Product Reviews
August 29, 2019It’s one of the realities of being a teacher: you can never have enough pencils, stickers or motivational goodies to hand out on special occasions.
Our safety equipment, timers, coffee mugs and colorful lab coats are year-round favorites, but they’re especially popular at the beginning of a school year. Read on for rave reviews from science teachers, parents, and self-proclaimed science geeks.
If you have a favorite Educational Innovations product, let us know! We’d love to share your review with your fellow teachers and science lovers.
25 Years of Educational Innovations
August 12, 2019by Ted Beyer
For some of us, 1994 does not seem that long ago. For others, 25 years is a lifetime or more ago. 1994 was the year that Ron Perkins—a high school AP Chemistry and Physics teacher in Connecticut—realized that he might have hit upon a great idea. Ron was well known in science educational circles for his creative and engaging science workshops for teachers. It was common for educators captivated by his presentations to ask where they, too, could get the materials he demonstrated. Why not provide them a source? Partnering with a former student, Ron founded Educational Innovations.
July 20, 1969: My Apollo 11 Memories
June 14, 2019By Ted Beyer
There are certain days in history that pretty much anyone who was alive at the time can remember as though it was yesterday. Times of trial and triumph. Heart-wrenching times like September 11th, or the day Kennedy was shot, or the Challenger. And then there is the day that we landed on the Moon.
Sound and Waves in the News
May 22, 2019Want to get your students revved up over the science of sound? This area of science has so much to explore, with more advances every day. Enjoy this collection of news related to recent discoveries about sound and waves.
If you find an interesting article on this subject, please share it with us in the comments below!