Summer Science Humor

Science Humor - Educational Innovations Newsletter

Relax!  School is out and it’s time for some fun. Pour yourself an ice-cold lemonade, get settled into your favorite chair (or hammock) and enjoy our sizzling collection of summer science humor.  You might also get a kick out our UV Light humor page, from a previous issue of our newsletter.

If you have a favorite cartoon or joke, we invite you to share it as a comment below.

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Summer Science Lesson

Lesson - Educational Innovations BlogWhat’s more summery than watermelon?  These fun lessons from the National Watermelon Promotion Board are perfect summer science activities and can be modified depending upon the grade range you’re teaching.

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You Said It! Summer Science Product Reviews

You Said It! Product Reviews - Educational Innovations Newsletter If we tried to include all the reviews for all our products that are fun to use in the summer, well… the list would be well over 300 products long!   We’ve winnowed it down to our Top Ten favorite summer science products.  Below you’ll learn more about some of our all-time favorite outdoor science materials, and get honest reviews from real teachers and parents.

Is your favorite Educational Innovations‘ product on this list?  If not, write to us in the comments below and let us know what we forgot!

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Summer Science Discussion Starters

Discussion Starters - Educational Innovations NewsletterChoosing a few compelling ice-breakers and discussion starters for the first week of school may not be a priority right now, but it’s never too early to jot down a few good ideas.  We’ve compiled 20 ideas to help you start some lively science conversations next year.

Each of these “raise-your-hand-if…” statements can be expanded or modified, depending upon the grade you teach.  Your goal is to find ways to connect your students’ summer experiences with science topics.

Do you have any excellent discussion starter questions related to summer science?  Share them with us in the comments below!

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Molding a Thermoplastic Polymer

Dr. Kenneth Lyle, Duke University Department of Chemistry

By Dr. Kenneth Lyle, Duke University, Durham NC and Elaine “Lainey” Williams


Molding a Thermoplastic Polymer - Educational Innovations BlogThermoplastic Polymers for All!

When thermoplastic polymer became available a couple of years ago, we purchased a bottle to see if it would be a viable addition to our chemistry outreach program.  Since then, literally hundreds of people, young and old, have experienced molding the thermoplastic, taking their creations home in Zip-loc® bags.

And now, with the availability of dyes, a whole new world of creative design has opened up.  The molding of a thermoplastic activity has been incorporated into our “Polymers” and “Chemistry of Crafts” hands-on outreach presentations, and has been used as a stand-alone station.

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