April 10, 2020
Never doubt our slogan, Teachers Serving Teachers®. It’s the reason we come to work every day, and it’s certainly the reason for this blog. On any given day, we actively search the Internet for nifty, new science gizmos, exciting new science discoveries, and as-yet-undiscovered (by us) teachers in the trenches of today’s classrooms. We love exploring other teachers’ science blogs, videos, and lessons—and we send fan mail applauding their work more often than you might imagine.
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About Us, Biology, Elementary level, High School level, life science, Middle School level | Tagged: Biology, Educational Innovations, genetics, hands-on activity, science lesson |
Posted by Donna Giachetti
March 27, 2020
Designing and building an artificial hand is a great science fair or classroom project. It’s also a vivid, “hands-on” way to get your students thinking about how such robotic limbs are used in society and industry. Whether your students work individually or in teams, this activity is a fantastic experience in creativity, problem solving, STEM, and engineering. Plus, for some students, it may even lead to a future career inspiration!
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Biology, College level, construction, Elementary level, High School level, Middle School level | Tagged: DIY, Educational Innovations, engineering, hands-on activity, STEM |
Posted by Donna Giachetti
September 13, 2019
by Nancy Foote
Two of my favorite things are bubbles and balloons. I once had a part-time job delivering balloons. How I loved that job! I learned a lot about gas laws. I found out balloons take up less volume in cold weather and expand in hot weather. (Some of those lessons I learned the hard way.) I gained plenty of insight into people… and tips… and, of course, balloons!
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College level, Elementary level, engineering, High School level, Middle School level, Physics | Tagged: air pressure, hands-on activity, homeschool, parent friendly, phenomenon based learning, Physics, science |
Posted by Donna Giachetti
May 22, 2019

Most of us know what a sound is… but what’s the science behind it? And what can you do with sound (besides listen to it)? Plenty! We’ve selected some fascinating videos that explore the science of sound and waves. One of the most fascinating things about these videos is that they demonstrate how many unexpected ways we use sound—in our daily lives, in the lab, and beyond.
If you’ve enjoyed other videos on this topic, please share them with us!
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College level, Elementary level, energy, High School level, Middle School level, Physics, sound | Tagged: amplitude, Educational Innovations, energy, experiments, frequency, hands-on activity, phenomenon-based science, Physics, properties of sound, science, sound, sound experiments, sound waves, vibration |
Posted by Donna Giachetti
May 22, 2019
If a tree falls in a forest and there’s no one to hear it, will it still make a sound? This is an old question, but what’s the answer? Sound can be a difficult concept to portray because the waves cannot easily be seen or touched. What is sound, and why do we care about it? There is plenty of vocabulary associated with sound waves, including frequency, amplitude, longitudinal waves, transverse waves… the list goes on. So how do you introduce and teach this topic? We scoured the Internet for great ideas. Hope you enjoy them!
If you have other ideas or websites you’d like to share, please write to us in the Comments section below. Read the rest of this entry »
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College level, Elementary level, energy, High School level, Middle School level, Physics, sound | Tagged: amplitude, awesome science experiment, Educational Innovations, energy, frequency, fun experiments, hands-on activity, homeschool, phenomenon based learning, Physics, properties of sound, science, sound, sound experiments, sound waves, vibration |
Posted by Donna Giachetti