September 28, 2015
by: Linda Dunnavant
Making Science Fun… with Food!
There’s nothing like food to get students engaged in a lesson. Even the coolest of oh-so-cool middle schoolers will be putty in your hands after you tell them they’re going to have a chance to eat and learn at the same time. Food can be incorporated into the science classroom in countless ways. As long as it relates to your curriculum, the sky is the limit!
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Biology, Earth Science, Elementary level, Middle School level | Tagged: DIY, Educational Innovations, fun experiments, homeschool, parent friendly, PBL, phenomenon based learning, phenomenon-based science, science |
Posted by Donna Giachetti
September 11, 2015
By: Ted Beyer
Summertime—sun and fun! For most of us (in the northern hemisphere at least) that means hot weather. Heat does interesting things to the world around us, and to us as well. On a hot day you tend to perspire. Your body does this for a good reason: as the moisture evaporates, it cools your skin, and thus helps to regulate your body temperature.
In contrast, dogs don’t perspire—they don’t have sweat glands! So on a hot day you will see dogs panting—lots of rapid, shallow breaths with their tongues looking bigger than usual hanging out of their mouths. That’s the doggie way of cooling off. They are moving air over a wet surface—again using evaporation to lower their body temperature.
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College level, Earth Science, Elementary level, experiments, High School level, Middle School level, Physics | Tagged: air pressure, DIY, Educational Innovations, evaporation, experiments, homeschool, PBL, phenomenon based learning, phenomenon-based science, Physics, science, science fair project, solar energy, thermal energy, variables |
Posted by Donna Giachetti
August 26, 2015
ack to school = buying new supplies.
It’s one of the realities of being a teacher: you can never have enough pencils, stickers or motivational goodies to hand out on special occasions.
Our safety equipment, timers, coffee mugs and colorful lab coats are year-round favorites, but they’re especially popular at the beginning of a school year. Read on for rave reviews from science teachers, parents, and self-proclaimed science geeks.
If you have a favorite Educational Innovations product, let us know! We’d love to share your review with your fellow teachers and science lovers.
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College level, Elementary level, High School level, Middle School level | Tagged: back to school, Educational Innovations, equipment, lab, PBL, phenomenon based learning, phenomenon-based science, physics demonstration apparatus, science, supplies |
Posted by Donna Giachetti
August 26, 2015
This edition of IN THE NEWS is a bit different from our other newsletters. We usually share articles about fresh science discoveries— advances in scientific research, breathtaking new photos of our universe, the discovery of a new deep ocean species… any sort of remarkable scientific event you might enjoy discussing with your students.
But this time, for our Back-to-School edition, we’ve dedicated our news search to you, the teacher. Whether you’re teaching elementary science or advanced physics, these are thought-provoking pieces that you might decide to share with a colleague… just as we are!
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College level, Elementary level, High School level, Middle School level | Tagged: Educational Innovations, grants, PBL, phenomenon based learning, phenomenon-based science, professional development, science, STEM |
Posted by Donna Giachetti
August 26, 2015
We’re all a little sad to see the summer vacation end, but we’re also revved up in anticipation of what this new year will hold.
The beginning of a school year is a perfect time to consider fresh ways to inspire and motivate your students to explore and learn on their own.
If you come across back to school videos you’d like us to add to our EI TV channel, leave the URL in a comment below or write to us at
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College level, Elementary level, High School level, Middle School level | Tagged: Educational Innovations, PBL, phenomenon based learning, phenomenon-based science, science, STEM |
Posted by Donna Giachetti