STEM education (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) is a curriculum driven by problem solving, exploration, and discovery while incorporating technology and engineering into the teaching of science and mathematics.
Educational Innovations carries a number of products like astronomy and space science tools that fit perfectly into the STEM classroom. These materials promote exploratory learning, and require students to actively engage themselves to discover the solution to the situation or problem at hand.
If you have a favorite STEM experiment or product, please let us know in the comments section below!
“We use the One Car kits with our 8th grade STEAM students. They love the ability to explore all the different ways they can propel the cars forward. It allows the perfect balance of structure/instructions and creativity/open-ended exploration. In just one day, our students were building ramps and trying to get the air pressure car to take flight!”
– Jonathan of Phoenix, AZ
Molymod Molecular Model Sets
“Building simple organic molecules is a favorite activity in our elementary k-5 after-school Science Club. I’ve used play-doh and toothpicks, beads and chenille stems, ball and spring sets, and framework kits. But the Molymod molecular sets are far superior to any of these. The models are easy to assemble, don’t fall apart, yet are easy to disassemble. The individual pieces are large enough that they aren’t easily overlooked when dropped on the floor. The flexible bond units allow students to represent double bonded atoms without risk of breakage.”
– Cynthia House of Arlington Heights, IL
DoughLab: Bake and Learn
“I highly recommend. DoughLab is fun to do together with the fam. It’s a bit messy (i.e. fun for kids), but easy clean up.”
– Cast of Menlo Park, CA
Reaction Rocket
“This is a simple device that works well as a hands-on class activity for students. Each pair of students is handed one rocket to test. They then compose written explanations of how it works, the physics principles involved, and a plan for an experiment that could be designed to test aspects of the concept. Students then share ideas with the class.”
– Connie Wells of Kansas City, MO
Thermoplastic Polymer 
“This is a fabulous material and works exactly as described. Great uses for STEM activities, Auto Body &, Auto Tech CTE classes. Awesome stuff! “
– Dawn Ellis of Mt. Morris, NY
Wall Coaster
“I teach HS and let kids put it on the wall of my room. It has been remodeled 100’s of times! it is great for kids who have finished work first, they have enjoyed “playing”, I have enjoyed watching them problem solve and work cooperatively.”
– Carrol Wedgewood of LaCenter, KY
Snap Circuits 
“This electricity kit is very easy to use. After I teach my students how to use schematic drawings, they love working together to build the different circuits. I even bought a kit for my nieces.”
– Elizabeth DeBoo of Saint Louis, MO
“These little guys are so cute! The kids just loved experimenting with all the different ways they could change the bots to move in different directions. Lots of great learning went on in my classroom!”
– Kyle of Phoenix, AZ
Light Bulb Experiment Kit
“The kit components are super helpful for getting kids to understand what a circuit is, how electricity travels. All I did was show students how to hook up the jumper cables, and they started testing different configurations right away. Good value, great teaching aid.”
– Diane L of Sumter, SC
The PowerWheel
“There is an ever growing need to teach about renewable energy and the PowerWheel gives teachers a dramatic and memorable way to do so. It really captures kids attention because of its ability to generate enough current to run products such as an iPad. Also, the customer service I received regarding this product was superb.”
– Michelle White of Moscow, OH
Multi Project Solar Kit 
“Used this for my middle school classes and they absolutely loved it! I liked that the kids were able to chose from a number of projects! Wiring was a little tricky with the 7th graders, though.”
– Patricia Lucido of Cortlandt Manor, NY
3-2-1 Blast Off! Kit
Thank you, Janis! 3