The “Magic” of the Soother Ooze Tube

Ken Byrne, Educational InnovationsBy Ken Byrne

Someone once told me that all magic is science, and all science is magic.  To me, a magic show is a series of puzzles for me to solve, trying to figure out just how they pulled off an illusion.  My favorite science demonstrations are much the same.  I love those demonstrations that make me scratch my head and ask, “Why?”

Here is one of my favorites that is easy and inexpensive.  It feels like a magic trick, but it is all science.  It simply involves rolling a cylinder down an inclined plane.  Sometimes the cylinder will roll down quickly.  Other times it will crawl down slowly. Read the rest of this entry »

Discrepant Event Science in the Classroom

Discrepant Event Science! - Educational Innovations BlogBack to School with Discrepant Event Science!

by Mike Matthews

After a restful summer (which included a move to a new school!), classes are finally back in session! I always begin the year with a set of activities that challenge students to practice science process skills (observing, recording data, asking questions, etc.). My approach includes a series of quick “discrepant event” demos that captivate (and baffle) my students. From trying to figure out why two ice cubes melt at dramatically different rates to brainstorming explanations for how a sealed opaque balloon suddenly starts self-inflating, these demos engage students, assess their science skills, and emphasize the processes and habits that scientists use to inquire about the world around them.

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Top 5 Things You Should Know about NGSS

Priscilla Robinson, Educational Innovationsby Priscilla Robinson

Empowering Performance

The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) had a strong presence at the 2016 NSTA Science Conference held this past March in Nashville, Tennessee.  The conference theme was “Empowering Performance” and that’s the foundation upon which the NGSS standards are balanced.  Enthusiastic keynote speeches empowered teachers to help their students “Change the World!”  Educators dashed to workshops and the exhibit hall in search of solutions that will help them understand, implement and survive this rising tide of new science learning standards.  Presently, with 19* states and the District of Columbia already on board with the NGSS adoption, updated standards are making their way into classrooms across the nation.

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Density Discussion Starters

Discussion Starters - Educational Innovations NewsletterUsing real world examples is a great way to help students understand abstract ideas. These discussion starters will help you set up a unit on density.

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Electricity from Mud?! Introducing the MudWatt Kit

Electricity from Mud?! Educational Innovations BlogBy Nancy Foote

When a little kid comes up to you and asks you do science, it’s hard to say no.  But when you’re a science teacher, and that little kid is your granddaughter, you know you have to come up with something fast.

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