October 17, 2016
When we check the headlines each day, we’re usually not expecting to read about slime (unless it’s a review for Ghostbusters). But lo and behold, there’s all sorts of slimy news to be found!
Slime in caverns, on rooftops, underwater, and more. Read on for our gooey assortment of news related to slime, oobleck, and other non-Newtonian fluids.
If you find an interesting (and slimy) story, please share with us in the comments below!
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Chemistry, College level, Elementary level, High School level, Middle School level, Physics | Tagged: Educational Innovations, homeschool, parent friendly, PBL, phenomenon based learning, phenomenon-based science, science, Slime |
Posted by Donna Giachetti
October 17, 2016

Non-Newtonian fluids are wonderful teaching tools for students of any age. Just bring some slime, honey, ketchup, or sour cream into your classroom and the learning begins! This fun lesson and worksheet makes it easy to teach students how to identify the properties of solids, liquids, and non-Newtonian fluids.
Lesson credit: University of Waikato, New Zealand (www.sciencelearn.org.nz).
Click on the image below for a full-size, printable PDF version of this 3-page lesson. Enjoy!
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Chemistry, College level, Elementary level, High School level, Middle School level, Physics | Tagged: Educational Innovations, hands-on activity, parent friendly, PBL, phenomenon based learning, phenomenon-based science, science, Slime |
Posted by Donna Giachetti
October 17, 2016
We love finding new products to share with our customers. Our goal at Educational Innovations is to provide you with all sorts of “Super! Wow! Neat!”® science that will ensure your students are learning… and having fun. But if we had to pick one favorite from our long list of best-selling materials, it would be slime, hands down.
Call it goop, oobleck, slime, or gak—one thing is certain: this stuff is HANDS-ON like nothing else! It’s simply fantastic as a teaching tool, whether you’re discussing polymers, viscosity, cross-linking, shear stress, non-Newtonian fluids, or anything else you can think of! Plus, it’s always good for laughs.
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Chemistry, College level, Elementary level, High School level, Middle School level, Physics | Tagged: Educational Innovations, homeschool, parent friendly, PBL, phenomenon based learning, phenomenon-based science, science, Slime |
Posted by Donna Giachetti
October 7, 2016
by Dr. Kenneth Lyle
The demonstration
The Poly Density Bottle is a fascinating demonstration primarily due to the phenomena being counterintuitive to what one would expect. The bottle containing white and blue beads suspended in a clear and colorless liquid is shaken vigorously, distributing the beads randomly throughout (bottle A). Upon standing, the beads separate from one another (bottle B) with the white rising to the surface while the blue sink to the bottom (bottle C). Then, the two sets of beads move towards one another (bottle D) meeting near the middle (bottle E). This demonstration can be easily repeated again and again. And, once prepared, it can be stored for subsequent use year after year. No additional preparation is required. Read the rest of this entry »
Chemistry, College level, density, Elementary level, experiments, High School level, Middle School level | Tagged: density, discrepant event, DIY, Educational Innovations, hands-on activity, homeschool, parent friendly, PBL, phenomenon based learning, phenomenon-based science, science |
Posted by Donna Giachetti
September 23, 2016
By Ken Byrne
Someone once told me that all magic is science, and all science is magic. To me, a magic show is a series of puzzles for me to solve, trying to figure out just how they pulled off an illusion. My favorite science demonstrations are much the same. I love those demonstrations that make me scratch my head and ask, “Why?”
Here is one of my favorites that is easy and inexpensive. It feels like a magic trick, but it is all science. It simply involves rolling a cylinder down an inclined plane. Sometimes the cylinder will roll down quickly. Other times it will crawl down slowly. Read the rest of this entry »
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Chemistry, College level, density, Elementary level, experiments, High School level, Middle School level | Tagged: density, discrepant event, DIY, Educational Innovations, experiments, fun experiments, hands-on activity, homeschool, parent friendly, PBL, phenomenon based learning, phenomenon-based science, science, STEM |
Posted by Donna Giachetti