Remembrance of Summers Past

Donna Giachetti, Educational Innovations

By Donna Giachetti

Whenever I think of my childhood summers, all my five senses are instantly engaged.  I can hear the tinkling melody of the ice cream truck, and feel the heat radiating off my head.  There’s that pungent smell of sidewalk chalk.  The taste of bright pink Bazooka gum.  And the sight of my kite, inevitably tangled up in the limbs of a tree.  (Anyone remember Charlie Brown’s kite?  Mine was surely a close relative.)

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Custom Kits R Us!

Donna Giachetti, Educational Innovations

By Donna Giachetti

It all started with a promotional email: Let Us Build Your Custom Science Kits.  When we sent this to our subscribers, we hoped for a positive response, but we could not have guessed HOW excited our customers would be.  It wasn’t long before our phones started ringing.  Eager voices asked us if we could build kits on germ transmission…  engineering…   virology… light diffraction…

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Bugs, Bugs, Delicious Bugs!

Donna Giachetti, Educational Innovations

By Donna Giachetti

These days, eating bugs is in the news more often than ever before.  Even the dreaded murder hornets, it seems, are a delicacy in parts of the world!  I’m always delighted when science intersects with popular culture, and edible bugs are definitely one of those instances.

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Wilesco Steam Engines

Ted Beyer, Educational Innovations

By Ted Beyer

Educational Innovations has carried Wilesco model steam engines off and on for years.  But why?  They’re just toys, right?  Well, no—they are so very much more.

If you apply some critical thinking to a steam engine and its accessories, you will discover that you have a wonderful practical demonstration of a bunch of scientific principles, many of which are pretty basic.

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Poetry + Science = Wow!

Donna Giachetti, Educational Innovations

By Donna Giachetti

A few months ago, a colleague at Educational Innovations shared with me a poetry web page he thought I’d enjoy.  It was a joyful little corner of the Internet called Elemental Haiku.  (Thanks, Ted!)  The author, Mary Soon Lee, composed 119 science haiku – a poem for each element in the Periodic Table. 

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