Cartesian Divers

Ron Perkins, Educational Innovationsby: Ron Perkins

Cartesian Divers are one of the oldest and most interesting toys you can build at home.  While they are easy to construct, there is a lot of science behind the workings of this deceivingly simple toy.  A Cartesian Diver is an object whose density changes with pressure.  In fact, most Cartesian divers become denser as pressure is increased.  By constructing a Cartesian Diver carefully, it is possible to make a diver that floats in water at atmospheric pressure, and sinks when the pressure is increased.

Water has a density of about 1 gram/ml.  Objects that have a density of less than 1 gram/ml float, while objects with a density greater than 1 gram/ml sink.  When using sealed divers, as pressure is increased, a Cartesian Diver’s density might increase from about .8 grams/ml to 1.2 grams/ml.  When this happens, the diver sinks in water.  Cartesian Divers often change their density by changing the amount of water they displace (i.e., changing their volume).  When the pressure is increased, the air inside the diver is compressed.  This compressed air takes up less space, and thus displaces less water.  As less water is displaced, the density of the diver appears to increase and the diver sinks.

Making Cartesian Divers


1 Plastic Pipet (PP-222), 1 Ballast Nut (CD-3), Plastic Soda Bottle with Top, Candle, Scissors, Pliers, Water

Optional: cap of a Fizz-Keeper Pump (CD-4), Food Coloring, Aluminum Foil, Hot Melt Glue Gun


1.  With scissors, snip off all but 2 cm of the neck of the pipet.

Cartesian Divers - Educational Innovations Blog

2.  Screw one ballast nut onto the remaining 2 cm neck of the pipet.

Cartesian Divers - Educational Innovations Blog

Cartesian Divers - Educational Innovations Blog3.  Fill the pipet bulb with colored water.  Note that the bulb must float when placed in a cup of water.  Experiment with different amounts of water, making sure that the bulbs still float.  Bulbs that float higher in a cup of water will make divers that are more difficult to sink.

4.  Your Cartesian diver is ready!  Fill a 1 or 2 liter plastic soda bottle almost to the top with water.  Place your diver in the bottle and screw on the Fizz-Keeper pump cap.  Try squeezing the bottle.  Can you make your diver sink?  Now pump the Fizz-Keeper and watch as your diver sinks right to the bottom.  Can you figure out how to get it back up to the top?

5.  Remove the pump cap, pour out your diver, and try varying its buoyancy.  Try filling it with different amounts of water.  Put it back in the bottle, replace the pump cap and try sinking it again.

6.  When you are satisfied with your divers and would like to make it permanent, you can seal it by sealing the open end of the bulb.  This can be done with any waterproof glue, hot glue, or by melting the plastic stem slightly and squeezing it gently with small pliers.

To seal the bulb by melting, first make sure your bulb floats.  Once it is sealed, its starting buoyancy cannot be changed! Make sure there is no water in the neck by holding it upside down and tapping or squeezing it slightly.  Hold the neck about 1-2 inches above a candle flame until it becomes completely transparent (the change is very subtle).  Immediately remove the neck from above the flame and squeeze the end gently with pliers to seal.  Let cool.  Return your diver to the bottle with clean water and it will last for many years.

There are literally hundreds of experiments you can try!  For instance, try crumpling up a piece of aluminum foil into a small ball.  Place this in your bottle.  See if you can sink it by squeezing the bottle… how about pumping it?  Small packets of soy sauce have also been known to work!

Use more pipets and vary their densities.  Try numbering your divers and see if you can make them sink in order.  Note that your divers are not yet sealed, and so they can be adjusted as many times as you like (colored water will leak out of them until they are sealed).

Educational Innovations carries a full line of Cartesian Diver materials, including Bob Becker’s DVD that demonstrates and discusses a plethora of fascinating diver designs.  Bob Becker, an award winning high school chemistry teacher, is a pioneer in the field of Cartesian divers.  This DVD includes DVD-ROM which contains additional resources such as project guides and templates.

Pocket Sound Blaster

Norm Barstow, Educational Innovationsby: Norman Barstow

Frequency, Wavelength and Pitch:

Sound is a tone you hear as the result of regular, evenly spaced waves of air molecules. The most noticeable difference is that some tones sound higher or lower than others. These differences are caused by variations in spacing between the waves; the closer the waves are, the higher the tone sounds. The spacing of the waves – the distance from the high point of one wave to high point of the next one – is the wavelength.

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The Energy Ball

Sarah Brandtby:  Sarah Brandt

The uniquely entertaining energy ball is a fun way to demonstrate open and closed circuits, as well for prompting discussions on conductivity. The following activities are perfect to use in elementary and middle school grades first exploring electricity and circuits.

When both sensors on the ball are touched and a complete circuit is formed, the ball flashes a red light and buzzes.

What makes the energy ball work?

Energy Ball

Inside the energy ball is a simple circuit that is completely self-contained. By touching both sensors, the circuit is completed by electrons flowing through your body or another conductive material such as a paper clip. Materials that activate the energy ball
are good conductors, meaning they pass electrons easily. Materials that do not activate the energy ball are poor conductors (or insulators), meaning they do not pass electrons easily. Read the rest of this entry »

The Amazing Drinking Bird

Tami O'Connor, Educational Innovationsby Tami O’Connor

Invented in 1945 by Miles Sullivan, the “drinking bird” has been a favorite of science teachers in every classroom from kindergarten through college. This amazing device is made of two glass bulbs (one representing the head and the other representing the body) joined by a glass tube (representing the neck).  Between the two bulbs, attached to the glass tube, is a metal fulcrum upon which the bird pivots.  The air has been removed from this closed device, and the bottom ball is filled with a colored liquid that has a high vapor pressure (methylene chloride). The rest of the bird’s body and head is filled with the vapor form of methylene chloride.

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Has The Swine Flu Affected Your School? | Glo Germ Lotion

Tami O'Connor, Educational Innovationsby: Tami O’Connor

Is swine flu spreading like wildfire in your community? In my hometown of Redding, Connecticut, the high school’s homecoming dance and the Halloween parties at the elementary school were both canceled. The middle school social was also postponed until flu season is officially behind us.

What better time than now to teach your students about the benefits of proper hand washing techniques and how diseases are actually transmitted from one person to another? Educational Innovations carries a full line of products designed to help you educate your students about germ transmission and how best to reduce the spread of harmful microbes. Let Educational Innovations help you to keep your students more mindful of easy things they can do to stay healthy.

Glo GermGlo Germ is a fantastic product which safely and graphically demonstrates to students and adults alike how germs are spread.

Used throughout the United States in schools, hospitals and food services, Glo Germ consists of an odorless lotion or powder which glows brightly when exposed to ultraviolet light. This product is perfect for your health curriculum. Read the rest of this entry »